Ania Kuczyńska x Zielony Fundusz dla Warszawy // Green Fund for Warsaw

In XI 2021 Ania Kuczyńska became a partner of the Green Fund for Warsaw and signed the UN Global Compact declaration.

The Green Fund enables the brand to actively join the programme of building the green infrastructure of the city by providing financial support to pro-ecological initiatives.

The brand has decided to allocate a part of funds from each sale in the stationary store and online to the purchase and planting of bulbous plants in the areas managed by the Management of Urban Green Areas of the Capital City of Warsaw. The brand has decided to donate part of the sales proceeds to the Management of Urban Green Areas of the Capital City of Warsaw.

Sustainable development begins with introducing a company’s value system and building a principled approach to doing business. This means operating in a way that meets basic obligations in the areas of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption.

By incorporating the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact into internal strategies, policies and procedures, the AK brand fulfills its responsibilities to people and the planet.

Warsaw undertakes a number of actions aimed at improving the quality of the environment in its area and the quality of life of its inhabitants. It is a member of C40 – an organization which brings together 94 metropolises cooperating on climate protection.

Graphic design / Olka Osadzińska


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